Are You Committing These Product Packaging Blunders?


When you are designing your product packaging, it is important that you get things correct right at the start. Carelessness and oversights in this regard on your part could cause your company go back bankrupt. Therefore, you need to work with an experienced product packaging engineer.

Challenges are thrown at you from various levels when you are designing your product packaging. Before you select any product packaging materials and before you start putting together your packaging design, you will have to take into account the following factors.

Firstly, where will your products be shipped? Will you be shipping only within the nation or will your products be shipped internationally? Depending on the regions to which the products need to be shipped, the packaging and shipping supplies have to be selected. Your packaging design should be compliant with the international shipping guidelines and specifications if you are going to ship internationally. For example, if you are using wooden crates, for international shipping you will have to use heat treated crates. Instead of asking where can I get wooden crates you will have to look for heat treated crates. The processing time for heat treated crates will be much longer than the processing time required for regular wooden crates. Only when you know this requirement in advance you will allow yourself enough time for sourcing these supplies. If you have not done your homework well and if you are going to ignore these guidelines, then your products would not be allowed at the ports and it has to be taken back. You could easily guess the amount of losses this could cause for your business.

Countries, you will have to use fire retardant cardboard boxes for packaging your products. Using regular cardboard boxes will again result in similar issues as that of using regular wooden crates in place of heat treated wooden crates. Discuss your requirements with the most experienced cardboard box manufacturer in the industry to have your packaging supplies and shipping supplies needs met. They will be able to deliver you good quality packaging supplies and they will also ensure that your products are delivered in a timely fashion.

Every step of your packaging design process has to be double checked to ensure that you are traveling in the right direction. You could consider many suppliers, go ahead and pick the most trustworthy packaging supplies manufacturers.
