Why Product Packaging Should Be Subjected To Quality Control Checks?


One of the most important departments in all the manufacturing units would be quality control department. The role of the department is to identify issues in the products if there are any before they leave the factory so that customers do not have to deal with a faulty product. When it comes to quality control checks, it is not enough that that only the products you manufacture are checked but even your product packaging should be subjected to quality control checks.

Packaging is done both manually and with the help of automatic packaging machines. Things could go wrong with both types of packaging. What is the point in using the best quality double wall boxes or other premium packaging supplies, if the packaging process is flawed? You should not be under the impression that just because you are using the first grade packaging supplies, your packaging would be perfect. They may not always be because there could be human errors and mechanical issues in the automated packaging systems that could result in bad packaging. Identifying such flaws in packaging is essential to minimize the losses and to save your brand reputation.

Issues with packaging could also result when you happen to face issues with the packaging supplies you are using. For example, you would have purchased a huge lot of wholesale tape and if the lot contains a mix of both old and new shipping tapes, their shelf lives would be different. Therefore, the packages that happen to use old shipping tapes could have issues and they may not be adequately sealing the boxes. No one anticipates such issues and if you do not have a counter measure to spot such issues before the products leave the factory then the boxes could open up during transportation or when they are being shifted from one place to the other resulting in damages to the products. Poor quality packaging resulting from the use of inferior quality packaging supplies and resulting from inferior packaging process will project a bad image about your brand. Therefore, it is your responsibility to select the best quality packaging supplies and ensure that the packaging process is not flawed at any point of time.

All these are ongoing requirements and not just a single time endeavor. You need to continually monitor the quality of the supplies obtained and the entire packaging process.
