Getting Your Signs And Displays Delivered On Time


If you are participating in a trade show or an exhibition, you need to have the best in class signs and displays for your booth. You will be competing to grab the attention of the visitors to the show amidst numerous other stalls and booths around you.

Buying your signs and displays need not be a tough challenge as long as you carefully plan in good time. One of the most common complaints that we hear from customers when it comes to ordering signs and displays is delivery delays. Here are a few tips on how to get your signs and displays delivered to you on time.

Allow your suppliers reasonable lead-time. You cannot blame the suppliers for delayed deliveries when you have the habit of placing last minute orders. Several factors need to be taken into account when ordering your signs and displays. You should know that your signs and displays are not readymade products that are just shipped to you upon placing the order. The need to be first designed before they could be manufactured.

A wide variety of materials are available for the displays today. You need to decide on the right materials. Are you going to go ahead with fire retardant displays or are you going to settle for ordinary displays. Make all such decisions before approaching your supplier. If you already have the graphic design ready for the display check with the manufacturer in what format they need the files. Do not presume that the format you hold will be accepted. If you happen to presume such things then you would be running around in the last minute to have the graphics file converted to accepted format.

If you do not have the graphics designed already, check whether your manufacturer will be able to able to provide you with the designing service too. It would be beneficial to work with some end-to-end solutions provider so that you could get everything you need under one roof without having to work with multiple service providers.

You should also check the reputation of the manufacturer of your signs and displays whether they are known for timely delivery of the orders. Some of the manufacturers are notorious for their delayed deliveries. You should stay away from such suppliers and establish long-term association with highly reputed suppliers of fire retardant displays for your current as well as ongoing needs.


BlueRose Packaging Inc.
2662 e 20th st #309
Signal Hill, CA 90755
877 508 4698

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